Social Prescribing

Social Prescribers connect people to non-medical community-based activities, groups and services that meet practical, social and emotional needs, including specialist advice services and the arts, physical activity and nature. At our practice, you may see a Social Prescriber for:

– Support to identify and connect with community activities to improve health and combat loneliness
– Guidance to services that can provide financial advice and support
– Assistance with accessing social care support

A member of our Patient Engagement Group) met with our Social Prescriber. Here’s what they found out…

Social Prescribing? What does this mean for you?

Like many people, I had heard of social prescribing but wasn’t really clear what it involved, so I met with Amy Roberts, the Senior Social Prescriber for Nunwell and Cradley to find out.

We all know that problems or worries about things such as finance, concerns over benefits or feeling lonely or out of control, can adversely affect our health and mental well-being. By taking a more holistic approach and offering support to access a range of groups or advisors, Nunwell hope to improve the situation using a range of activities as an alternative or in addition to, medical services.

You can meet with Amy, who is based at the surgery, on Wednesday mornings, either by being referred by your GP, or you can make an appointment yourself by phoning the surgery.

Amy provides a link between you and the group or community service that might be most helpful. After an initial meeting she will help you choose what support best suits you, and will help you make contact, often the most difficult part. Amy acts as your friend and guide, but the decision is yours.

Some of the services or groups that might help you include:

  • Befriending, talking therapies and support groups
  • Benefits and money matters
  • Education and Learning opportunities
  • Gardening and Horticulture
  • Access to specialist services and support, eg domestic, drug or alcohol abuse or mental health issues
  • Veterans support
  • Employment training and volunteering opportunities
  • Art, music, dance, sport or other group activities
  • Healthy Lifestyles advice

Taking control in your own life really benefits your physical and mental health. Social prescribing is a way of helping you do that.