New Shared Care Record delivering better, safer care for all our patients
We wanted to let you know that we have finally connected our systems to offer joined-up health and care records, which will enable better, safer care and treatment for all our patients.
As a GP, it is difficult to provide joined-up care with so many separate systems for handling patient information. These were not connected, meaning that you often had to repeat your story each time you received care at a different organisation, or with a different health professional. The Shared Care Record means up-to-date records will be immediately available to professionals caring for you as a patient, when you need direct care.
It will mean, for instance, a doctor in a hospital, or a paramedic who attends a 999 call will be able to confidentially access the same crucial information that we can at the Practice, such as details of any allergies and current medications, bringing potentially life-saving benefits.
Robust security measures are in place to protect your health information and all staff must follow the law on keeping your information confidential.
The Shared Care Record is not the same as the General Practice Data for Planning and Research Directions (GPDPR), which is a national NHS Digital initiative to use GP practice data for research and planning purposes.
The Shared Care Record is a local initiative to share information with organisations directly involved in your care to ensure that you receive prompt and appropriate treatment when you need it.
For more information, you can:
- go online to Herefordshire and Worcestershire ccg – Shared Care Record
- Call 0345 6461163
- Email
Please do not contact the Surgery – we are unable to process these opt-out requests.
Shared Care Record Patient Leaflet.pdf
H&W Shared Care Record – Privacy Notice
General Data Protection Regulations
26th May, 2018
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a new data privacy law that was introduced in the UK on 25th May 2018 requiring all public organisations to identify changes that need to be made to achieve GDPR compliance in their personal data processing activities. The regulation will put you in control of your personal data, allowing you to choose how (and whether) Practices can use your data. The new regulation will still apply to organisations once the UK leaves the EU in 2019.
As a result, we’ve published a new privacy policy to make it easier for you to find out how the NHS uses and protects your information. This is summarised in leaflets for adults and younger people below:
GDPR Privacy Notice – December 2024
GDPR Privacy Notice – Children December 2024
Having read the information above you may decide that you would like to restrict some of the information we hold on your medical record from being shared. There are several options that we can add locally and these are detailed on the Data sharing opt-out form below. Should you wish to complete the National Opt-out there is also an information leaflet below.
Where a patient has previously opted-out from sharing their medical record this has been coded on your record and will remain, preventing this information being shared as per your wishes. The National Opt-out Team will write to you if this needs to be updated. If you chose to prevent any information leaving the practice, you have until 2020 to confirm this to the National Opt-out team – details of how to do this are on the leaflet below.
More info and to opt out online